Cute mini jar necklace
This necklace will be an adorable present, or you can wear it yourself! I really hope you enjoy this craft. I promise you it won't take any more than about two minutes!

You will need:
❧Mini cork top jar
❧Glitter, artificial snow or flower soft
( I don't really know what flower soft
is but I used it as I had some )
❧A small gemstone
❧String or something similar to it
First, put some of your glitter, fake snow or flower soft into the jar, only add a small bit or your gemstone will be lost in it when you wear it. Then put your gemstone in the jar, put the lid on and you have almost finished!! Then tie your string around the top of the jar, finally, tie the two ends of your string together and you have made a beautiful necklace! If you want to give it as a gift, tie a ribbon around it or put it in a small drawstring bag and voila, you have made a beautiful gift!
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