Sustainable crafts

As the environment has been coming up in the news (and conversations) it made me notice the world a bit more, and how important it is that we protect it, so be by making our crafts sustainable, the world is a tiny bit closer to being saved. I've made a list of things you could do to help save the environment.

  • You could reuse old jam jars, you could use them to store pens or make snow globes with them (see some of my old posts) although reusing glass is probably not the worlds biggest concern, it can still help.
  • When you write, use both sides of the paper, its simple, but most of us forget it (myself included)
  • Don't buy single use plastic items
  • Make an eco brick, if there are some things you really need (chocolate) you can put all the wrappers in a plastic water bottle, then it can be sent off and used in other places, search it on Google if you want to know more

I will update this post soon (hopefully), but for note keep recycling!


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